Java For Loop


For loop is used to execute a statement or a set of statements repeatedly until a certain condition is met.

for(initialization ; condition ; logic for condition){
    // statement(s);

First Step: The initialization part of the loop happens first and only executes once.
Second Step: The condition is evaluated on each iteration and if it’s true the statement(s) is executed and if it’s false then the iteration will stop.
Third Step: After every statement execution, the logic for condition is executed which purpose is to make condition meet a limit.

for(int i = 0 ;i < 5 ; i++){
    System.out.println("i is "+i);

i is 0
i is 1
i is 2
i is 3
i is 4

If the condition never becomes false then it’s an infinite loop. Infinite loop is not an expected behavior is Software.

// infinite loop
for(int i = 1 ;i >= 1 ; i++){
    System.out.println("i is "+i);
for( ; ; ){
   // statement(s);

Using for loop to loop through an array

int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5};
for(int i=0;i<numbers.length;i++){
   System.out.println("i is "+numbers[i]);

i is 1
i is 2
i is 3
i is 4
i is 5

Foreach Loop

int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5};
for(int i : numbers){
   System.out.println("i is "+i);

i is 1
i is 2
i is 3
i is 4
i is 5



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