Docker Guide

What is docker?

Getting Started

Download docker and install it on your computer

  • Link to developer guide –
  • Select the docker option based on your operation system. In my case, I selected Docker for desktop mac. Then from there should be a link to download the docker executable onto your computer.
  • You will have to create a docker account to download docker.
  • Install docker by double-clicking on the executable your downloaded and follow instructions.

Docker commands

You are going to use the command-line interface to work with Docker.

docker images
– list out all the images in your computer

docker ps -a
– list out all the running containers on your computer

docker rmi imageId
– delete or remove an image.

docker stop containerId
– stop a running container

docker rm containerId
– delete a container

docker pull image: tag
– pull an image from a docker registry(docker hub or AWS ECR).

docker pull mysql


Run docker container automatically

Use these tags 

-dit --restart unless-stopped

docker run -p outside-port:internal-port –name container-name -dit –restart unless-stopped -d image_name:image_tag
– run docker container with the port where the container will use both externally and internally, the name of the container, the image, and tag being used, and a command to make sure the container will restart if it stops.

– -d means that to run container in background and print container ID

docker run -p outside-port:internal-port --name container-name -dit --restart unless-stopped -d image_name:image_tag
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name springboot-hello-0-0-1 -dit --restart unless-stopped -d springboot-hello:0-0-1


Push up a docker image to aws docker registry

1. Login to aws ECR from your computer

aws ecr get-login-password --profile folauk110

2. Build image

docker build -t project .

3. Tag image

docker tag project:latest remote-ecr-url/project:latest

4. Push image to remote registry

docker push remote-ecr-url/project:latest


SSH into a docker container

docker exec -it {container-name} sh


docker exec -it {container-name} sh /bin/bash


Install Redis using docker

Pull redis docker image

docker pull redis

Run redis docker container

docker run --name container-redis -dit --restart unless-stopped -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Set keys and values in redis

First, ssh into the redis container.

docker exec -it container-redis sh

Second, use the redis-cli

redis-cli> set docker great
OK> get docker
"great"> set name objectrocket
OK> get name


Install Elasticsearch using docker

Pull elasticsearch docker image

Make sure to use the right version that your code and Kibana is using.

docker pull

Run elasticsearch docker container

docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch -e "discovery.type=single-node" -dit --restart unless-stopped -d
Add Elasticsearch Password
docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e ELASTIC_PASSWORD=DDloadjes233j -dit --restart unless-stopped -d


Install Kibana using docker

Pull kibana docker image

Make sure to use the right version that your code and elasticsearch is using.

docker pull

Run kibana docker container 

docker run --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch -dit --restart unless-stopped --name kibana -p 5601:5601

Access kibana locally by going on http://localhost:5601/app/kibana

Add Elasticsearch Password

# add elasticsearch password

docker run --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch -e ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD=DDloadjes233j -dit --restart unless-stopped --name kibana -p 5601:5601


# pull image
docker pull

# run container
docker run -dit --restart unless-stopped --name logstash -v ~/pipeline/:/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/


docker pull


Postgresql with docker

#pull image
docker pull postgres:12.6
#run docker container
docker run --name postgres --restart unless-stopped -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test -v /Users/folaukaveinga/Software/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres:12.6


Ubuntu with docker

Sometimes when you want to play or learn linux you want to have a linux OS to play with. With docker you can pull a ubuntu docker image and run it locally.

docker pull ubuntu

Run a ubuntu container

docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash

You will be in the root folder of the ubuntu container right away after running the above command.

Restart a docker container

docker container restart [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

// -t or --time represents seconds to wait for stop before killing the container
docker container restart -t 5 bee0a80b1424


View logs of a docker container


// Follow log output -f or --follow
docker logs -f asdfwers



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