MySQL Advanced Queries
1.a Write a query to find the top 3 highest salaries in the company.
SELECT salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3;
1.b Write a query to find the top 3 highest salary employees in the company.
SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3;
1.c Write a query to find the top 3rd highest salary employee in the company.
SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC -- LIMIT offset, count LIMIT 2, 1;
1.d Write an SQL query to find the maximum, minimum, and average salary of the employees.
SELECT Max(salary), Min(salary), AVG(salary) FROM employee;
2. Write a query to find the number of employees who have been with the company for more than 5 years.
– Use (CURRENT_DATE – hired_date) / 365 to calculate 1 year
SELECT COUNT(*) as _5YearAndOlder FROM employee WHERE ((CURRENT_DATE - hired_date) / 365) >= 5;
3.a Write a query to find the average salary for each department in the company. Sort the average_salary from highest to lowest
SELECT department_id, AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employee GROUP BY department_id ORDER BY average_salary DESC;
3.b Write a query to find the count of employees per deparment.
SELECT department_id, COUNT(id) AS departmentCount FROM employee GROUP BY department_id ORDER BY departmentCount DESC;
3.c Write a query to find the employees that have salary that is above average salary for each department in the company.
SELECT, emp.first_name, emp.last_name, emp.salary, avg_salary.average_salary FROM employee as emp JOIN ( SELECT department_id, AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employee GROUP BY department_id ) as avg_salary ON avg_salary.department_id = emp.department_id WHERE emp.salary >= avg_salary.average_salary;
4. Write a query to find the employees who are working on more than 1 project.
SELECT pe.employee_id, emp.first_name, emp.last_name, COUNT(pe.project_id) as projectCount FROM project_employees as pe JOIN employee as emp ON pe.employee_id = -- join employee just to display name GROUP BY pe.employee_id HAVING projectCount > 1;
5. Write a query to find the employees who are not working on any projects.
SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM employee WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT employee_id FROM project_employees );
6.a Write a query to find the employees who have joined last year.
SELECT id, first_name, last_name, hired_date FROM employee WHERE YEAR(hired_date) = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - 1;
6.b Write a query to find the employees who have joined in the last year.
SELECT id, first_name, last_name, hired_date FROM employee WHERE hired_date > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 YEAR;
7. Write a query to find the employees who have submitted more than 1 bug reports in the last month.
SELECT br.reporter_id, emp.first_name, emp.last_name, COUNT( as bugCount FROM employee_bug_report as br JOIN employee as emp ON = br.reporter_id WHERE br.reported_at > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH GROUP BY br.reporter_id HAVING bugCount > 1;
8.a Write a query to find the employee who has submitted the most bug reports.
SELECT br.reporter_id, emp.first_name, emp.last_name, COUNT( as bugCount FROM employee_bug_report as br JOIN employee as emp ON = br.reporter_id GROUP BY br.reporter_id ORDER BY bugCount DESC LIMIT 0, 1;
8.b Write a query to find the employee who has submitted the most bug reports in the last month.
SELECT br.reporter_id, emp.first_name, emp.last_name, (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) as from_date, COUNT( as bugCount FROM employee_bug_report as br JOIN employee as emp ON = br.reporter_id WHERE br.reported_at > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH GROUP BY br.reporter_id ORDER BY bugCount DESC LIMIT 0, 1;
9.a Write a query to find the employees who have duplicated first_names
SELECT emp.first_name, COUNT( as nameCount FROM employee as emp GROUP BY emp.first_name HAVING nameCount > 1;
9.b Write a query to find the count of employees who have duplicated first_names
SELECT COUNT(duplicatedNames.idCount) as numberOfDuplicatedFirstName FROM ( SELECT COUNT( as idCount FROM employee as emp GROUP BY emp.first_name HAVING idCount > 1 ) as duplicatedNames;
9.c Write a query to find duplicated first_names of over 2 employees or more
SELECT COUNT(duplicatedNames.idCount) as numberOfDuplicatedFirstName FROM ( SELECT COUNT( as idCount FROM employee as emp GROUP BY emp.first_name HAVING idCount >= 2 ) as duplicatedNames;
10. Write a query to find the employees that their first_name starts with Sh
— start with is LIKE ‘xxx%’
SELECT emp.* FROM employee as emp WHERE emp.first_name LIKE 'Sh%';
11. Write a query to find the employees that their first_name ends with n
— end with is LIKE ‘%xxx’
SELECT emp.* FROM employee as emp WHERE emp.first_name LIKE '%n';
12. Write a query to find the employees that their first_name has or contains an
— contain is LIKE ‘%xxx%
SELECT emp.* FROM employee as emp WHERE emp.first_name LIKE '%an%';
13. Write a query to find the employees that their first_name starts with t and last_name ends with n
SELECT emp.* FROM employee as emp WHERE emp.first_name LIKE 't%' AND emp.last_name LIKE '%n';
14. Write a query to put together employee first_name and last_name as full_name
SELECT CONCAT(emp.first_name, ' ', emp.last_name) as full_name FROM employee as emp;
15. Write an SQL query to create a new table(employee1) with data and structure copied from another table(employee).
CREATE TABLE employee1 SELECT * FROM employee;
16. Find the total number of bugs reported per day, ordered by chronological date
SELECT DATE(br.reported_at) as dateReported, COUNT( as bugCount FROM employee_bug_report as br GROUP BY DATE(br.reported_at) ORDER BY DATE(br.reported_at) DESC;