Javascript is case-sensitive
Everything in JavaScript including variables , function names, class names, and operators are case-sensitive. It means that counter and Counter variables are different.
JavaScript supports both single-line (//) and block(/**/) comments.
// This is a single line comment /* * This is a multiple line * comment block */
Although JavaScript does not require to end a statement with a semicolon (;
), it is recommended to always use the semicolon to end a statement which makes your code more readable.
var number1 = 1; var number2 = 2;
Javascript variables
JavaScript variables are loosely typed which means that variables can hold values with any type of data. Variables are just placeholders for values.
To declare a variable, you use the var or let keyword followed by the variable name.
var pointer = "Welcome!"; point = 100;
Undefined and undeclared variables
An undefined variable is a variable that has been declared. Because we have not assigned it a value, the variable used the undefined as its initial value.
var undefinedMessage; console.log(undefinedMessage); // undefined
An undeclared variable is the variable that has not been declared.
console.log(undeclaredVariable); // ReferenceError: undeclaredVariable is not defined
Global and local variables
In JavaScript, all variables exist within a scope that determines the lifetime of the variables and which part of the code can access them.
Local variables
Variables declared within a JavaScript function, become locally accessible to the function and only that function.
function sayHi(){ //helloMsg is a local variable to the sayHi() function var helloMsg = "Welcome!"; console.log("helloMsg: "+helloMsg); } sayHi(); console.log("helloMsg: "+helloMsg);//Uncaught ReferenceError: helloMsg is not defined
Global variables
A variable declared outside a function, becomes global which all functions on a web page can access it.
/* * Global variables */ var message = "Hello"; function sayHello() { // local variable message = 'Hi'; console.log(message); // which message? } sayHello();// Hi console.log(message); // Hi
If a local variable is not declared, Javascript will create it as a global variable.
But to avoid creating a global variable accidentally inside a function because of omitting the var keyword, you use the strict mode by adding the “use strict”; at the beginning of the JavaScript file (or the function). Note that by using “use strict” modern javascript will be enforced.
<script> "use strict"; window.onload = function() { } </script>
Javascript Data Types
JavaScript has six primitive data types:
JavaScript has dynamic types. This means that the same variable can be used to hold different data types.
var x; // Now x is undefined x = 10; // Now x is a Number x = "Folau"; // Now x is a String
To get the current type of the value of a variable, you use the typeof operator.
let count = 120; // count is a number console.log(typeof(count)); // "number" count = false; // count is now a boolean console.log(typeof(count)); // "boolean" count = "Hi"; // count is now a string console.log(typeof(count)); // "string"
The null type
Javascript defines that null is an empty object pointer. It is a good practice to assign a variable that later holds an object to null so that you can check whether the object is null or not by using the if statement.
let obj = null; console.log(typeof obj); // object if(obj != null) { // call method of the object }
The undefined type
The undefined type is a primitive type that has one value undefined. By default, when a variable is declared but not initialized, it is assigned the value undefined.
The number type
Variables that hold whole number values
var num = 100; var dec = 2.5;
The boolean type
Variables that hold true or false
var isSafe = true;
The NAN type
JavaScript has a special numeric value called NAN, which stands for Not a Number. In fact, it means an invalid number.
console.log('john'/2);//NaN; console.log(NAN/2);//NAN console.log(NAN==NAN);//false
In JavaScript, a string is a sequence of zero or more characters. A literal string begins and ends with either a single quote(‘) or double quote (“). A string that starts with a double quote must end with a double quote and a string that begins with a single quote must end with a single quote.
let greeting = 'Hi'; let s = "It's a valid string"; let str = 'I\'m also a string'; // use \ to escape the single quote (')
The object type
In JavaScript, an object is a collection of properties, where each property is defined as a key-value pair.
let user = { firstName: 'Folau', lastName: 'Kaveinga' };
Null check with ??
The nullish coalescing operator is written as two question marks ??
The result of a ?? b
is defined, then a
isn’t defined, then b
.let collegeName; console.log("collegeName: "+ (collegeName ?? "no collegeName"));//collegeName: no collegeName collegeName = "BYU"; console.log("collegeName: ", collegeName ?? "no collegeName");// BYU