Spring Boot Thread Pool


One technique would be to balance thread pool size based on individual demand for hardware. However it might be important to give priority to web clients over requests coming in via JMS and therefore you might balance the pools in that direction. Of course as you rebalance you’ll have to adjust the size of each pool to take into account the difference in hardware demanded.

Getting a proper configuration for a thread pool may not be easy but it’s also not rocket science. The mathematics behind the problem are well understood and are fairly intuitive in that we meet them all the time in our every day lives. What is lacking are the measurements (as witness by j.u.c.ExecutorService) needed to make a reasonable choice. Getting to a proper setting will be a bit fiddly as this is more like bucket chemistry than a precise science but spending a little bit of time fiddling can save you the headache of having to deal with a system that has been destabilized by higher than expected workloads.

Here is a Thread Pool configuration sample.

	 * corePoolSize parameter is the amount of core threads which will be
	 * instantiated and kept in the pool. If all core threads are busy and more
	 * tasks are submitted, then the pool is allowed to grow up to a
	 * maximumPoolSize.

	@Bean(name = "taskExecutor")
	public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
		ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
		// initial number of threads

		// max number of threads

		// some tasks may be put into a queue to wait for their turn.
		executor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());

		return executor;


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