AWS – CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. CodePipeline automates the build, test, and deploy phases of your release process every time there is a code change, based on the release model you define. This enables you to rapidly and reliably deliver features and updates. You can easily integrate AWS CodePipeline with third-party services such as GitHub or with your own custom plugin. With AWS CodePipeline, you only pay for what you use. There are no upfront fees or long-term commitments.


Rapid delivery – AWS CodePipeline automates your software release process, allowing you to rapidly release new features to your users. With CodePipeline, you can quickly iterate on feedback and get new features to your users faster.

Easy to integrate – AWS CodePipeline can easily be extended to adapt to your specific needs. You can use our pre-built plugins or your own custom plugins in any step of your release process. For example, you can pull your source code from GitHub, use your on-premises Jenkins build server, run load tests using a third-party service, or pass on deployment information to your custom operations dashboard.

How it works:



Set up



Code repository for you source code.


Codebuild will build and and deploy new code to a specified destination. Make sure that your codebuild role is able to perform actions on other aws services when your code is being built. For example you might want to push your build to S3 or ECR. In this case, you will have to add policy to your role to perform that.

buildSpec.yml file specifies how you want to build your code. It must be in the root folder of you project.


ECR stores docker images built by codebuild. These docker images have the latest code built in codebuild can can be deployed into ECS.


ECS has task definitions where you define what kind of services you might want to run. 

Task Definition defines the following:

  • Type of server to use(ec2 or fargate)
  • VPC where the server where live
  • Memory and CPU allocated to the server
  • Port number of the server
  • ECR image to deployed on the server
  • Entrypoint endpoint that starts your server(java,-jar,,app.jar)
  • Environment variables to pass into the server/container ( You can store database credentials here which is better than storing in property files
  • Cloudwatch log group for logging

Service defines the following:

  • Number of servers to run
  • Load balancer(ALB) to listen to
  • Target Group
  • Health check for servers
  • Type of deployment(Rolling Update and Blue/Green)
  • Security Group to use for the server

Note: Security group must enable ports where the server will listen to as well as the target group listens to. For example target group checks server health on port 80 and spring boot server listens on port 8080. Now in the security group, enable 80 and 8080 from anywhere.


Application load balancer handles requests and loads balance them to your tasks(servers). Load balancer has rules you can use for redirect or forward depending on path. This is also where you add certificate to your server. ALB can be configured to forward certain requests based on the url path to specific destination.

Route 53

Route 53 routes traffic to our ALB.

Codepipeline with AWS CLI

List out pipeline

aws codepipeline list-pipelines

Get states of a pipeline

aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name MyFirstPipeline

Start the execution of a pipeline

aws codepipeline start-pipeline-execution --name MyFirstPipeline

Stop the execution of a pipeline

aws stop-pipeline-execution --pipeline-name MyFirstPipeline --pipeline-execution-id yes98sd00890

Build springboot project with Codebuild and deploy it to ECS

Continuous Integration Best Practices 2018


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