List all branches within a repository
git branch //or git branch --list
List all of remote branches
git branch -a
Create a local branch
git branch {branch-name}
Example: create a branch name test-100
git branch test-100
Check for the new created branch
folaukaveinga@Folaus-MacBook-Pro-3 demo % git branch develop master test-100
Push new local branch to remote
git push --set-upstream origin {branch-name}
Delete local branch
Use -d for safe delete. This means that if there are changes or commits in the branch that have not been commited or pushed up to remote, delete won’t work.
git branch -d {branch-name}
Use -D to force delete the specified branch, even if it has unmerged changes.
git branch -D {branch-name}
Delete a remote branch
git push origin --delete {branch-name}
Rename a branch locally
if you want to rename the branch remotely, Use push origin to reflect the change remotely.
git branch -m {new-branch-name}
Pull a remote branch to local
When you want to pull a remote branch to your local.
git pull origin {remote-branch-name} // and git checkout {remote-branch-name}