Git log

Shows commit logs.

git log is intended for creating release announcements. It groups each commit by author and displays the first line of each commit message. This is an easy way to see who’s been working on what.

git log


Show insertions and deletions to each file

The --stat option displays the number of insertions and deletions to each file altered by each commit (note that modifying a line is represented as 1 insertion and 1 deletion). This is useful when you want a brief summary of the changes introduced by each commit. 

git log --stat


Show actual changes

If you want to see the actual changes introduced by each commit, you can pass the -p option to git log. This command is very useful due to the fact that it shows details of what and when things changed over time.

git log -p


Show history

The --graph option draws an ASCII graph representing the branch structure of the commit history. This is commonly used in conjunction with the --oneline and --decorate commands to make it easier to see which commit belongs to which branch.

git log --graph --oneline --decorate


Show certain number of commits

git log -n

// show last 5 commits
git log -5


Show commits by author

The --author  displays commits per specific author

git log --author="folaulau"


Get commit differences

This command is particularly useful when you use branch references as the parameters. It’s a simple way to show the differences between 2 branches.

git log master..another-branch

// show commits that in feature but not in master
git log master..feature

Note that if you switch the order of the range (feature..master), you will get all of the commits in master, but not in feature. If git log outputs commits for both versions, this tells you that your history has diverged.


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