Heap is a tree-based data structure in which all the nodes of the tree are in a specific order. Heap is a complete binary tree-based data structure. Heaps have specific ordering properties. The ordering can be one of two types:
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Max-Heap construction
Max-Heap deletion
@NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Data @ToString public class MaxHeap { private List<Integer> data = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Function to return the position of the parent for the node currently at position */ private int parent(int position) { if (position == 0) { return 0; } return (position - 1) / 2; } /** * Function to return the position of the left child for the node currently at position */ private int left(int position) { return (2 * position) + 1; } /** * Function to return the position of the right child for the node currently at position */ private int right(int position) { return (2 * position) + 2; } private void swap(int firstPosition, int secondPosition) { System.out.println("firstPosition: " + firstPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(firstPosition) + ", secondPosition: " + secondPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(secondPosition)); int tmp = this.data.get(firstPosition); this.data.set(firstPosition, this.data.get(secondPosition)); this.data.set(secondPosition, tmp); System.out.println("firstPosition: " + firstPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(firstPosition) + ", secondPosition: " + secondPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(secondPosition)); } public void add(int item) { this.data.add(item); // increase the size of an array Heap[++size] = element; int current = getSize() - 1; System.out.println("adding: " + item + " to position: " + current); heapifyUp(current); } public int peek() { return data.get(0); } /** * Step 1 − Remove root node.<br> * Step 2 − Move the last element of last level to root.<br> * Step 3 − Compare the value of this child node with its parent.<br> * Step 4 − If value of parent is less than child, then swap them.<br> * Step 5 − Repeat step 3 & 4 until Heap property holds.<br> */ public int poll() { int head = data.get(0); // replace the root of the heap with the last element data.set(0, this.data.get(getSize() - 1)); data.remove(getSize() - 1); // call heapify-down on the root node heapifyDown(0); return head; } /** * Step 1 − Create a new node at the end of heap.<br> * Step 2 − Assign new value to the node.<br> * Step 3 − Compare the value of this child node with its parent.<br> * Step 4 − If value of parent is less than child, then swap them.<br> * Step 5 − Repeat step 3 & 4 until Heap property holds.<br> */ private void heapifyUp(int position) { int temp = this.data.get(position); if (position > 0 && temp > this.data.get(parent(position))) { System.out.println("heapifyUp - position: " + position + ", data: " + this.data.get(parent(position))); // swap the two if heap property is violated swap(position, parent(position)); // call heapify-up on the parent heapifyUp(parent(position)); } } /** * Step 1 − Remove root node.<br> * Step 2 − Move the last element of last level to root.<br> * Step 3 − Compare the value of this child node with its parent.<br> * Step 4 − If value of parent is less than child, then swap them.<br> * Step 5 − Repeat step 3 & 4 until Heap property holds.<br> */ private void heapifyDown(int position) { int largest = position; int leftChild = left(position); int rightChild = right(position); // compare `A[i]` with its left and right child // and find the largest value int size = getSize(); if (leftChild < size && this.data.get(leftChild) > this.data.get(largest)) { largest = leftChild; } if (rightChild < size && this.data.get(rightChild) > this.data.get(largest)) { largest = rightChild; } if (largest != position) { // swap with a child having lesser value swap(position, largest); // call heapify-down on the child heapifyDown(largest); } } public void print() { System.out.println("\nList"); for (Integer d : data) { System.out.println("data: " + d); } System.out.println("\nTree"); System.out.println("Root: " + data.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i <= getSize() / 2; i++) { try { System.out.print("Parent: " + this.data.get(i - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { } try { System.out.print(", Left: " + this.data.get(this.left(i - 1))); } catch (Exception e) { } try { System.out.print(", Right: " + this.data.get((this.right(i - 1)))); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("\n"); } public int getSize() { return this.data.size(); } }
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@NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Data @ToString public class MinHeap { private List<Integer> data = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Function to return the position of the parent for the node currently at position */ private int parent(int position) { if (position == 0) { return 0; } return (position - 1) / 2; } /** * Function to return the position of the left child for the node currently at position */ private int left(int position) { return (2 * position) + 1; } /** * Function to return the position of the right child for the node currently at position */ private int right(int position) { return (2 * position) + 2; } private void swap(int firstPosition, int secondPosition) { System.out.println("firstPosition: " + firstPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(firstPosition) + ", secondPosition: " + secondPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(secondPosition)); int tmp = this.data.get(firstPosition); this.data.set(firstPosition, this.data.get(secondPosition)); this.data.set(secondPosition, tmp); System.out.println("firstPosition: " + firstPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(firstPosition) + ", secondPosition: " + secondPosition + ", data: " + this.data.get(secondPosition)); } public void add(int item) { this.data.add(item); // increase the size of an array Heap[++size] = element; int current = getSize() - 1; System.out.println("adding: " + item + " to position: " + current); heapifyUp(current); } public int peek() { return data.get(0); } public int poll() { int head = data.get(0); // replace the root of the heap with the last element data.set(0, this.data.get(getSize() - 1)); data.remove(getSize() - 1); // call heapify-down on the root node heapifyDown(0); return head; } /** * Step 1 − Create a new node at the end of heap.<br> * Step 2 − Assign new value to the node.<br> * Step 3 − Compare the value of this child node with its parent.<br> * Step 4 − If value of parent is greater than child, then swap them.<br> * Step 5 − Repeat step 3 & 4 until Heap property holds.<br> */ private void heapifyUp(int position) { int temp = this.data.get(position); if (position > 0 && temp < this.data.get(parent(position))) { System.out.println("heapifyUp - position: " + position + ", data: " + this.data.get(parent(position))); // swap the two if heap property is violated swap(position, parent(position)); // call heapify-up on the parent heapifyUp(parent(position)); } } /** * Step 1 − Remove root node.<br> * Step 2 − Move the last element of last level to root.<br> * Step 3 − Compare the value of this child node with its parent.<br> * Step 4 − If value of parent is greater than child, then swap them.<br> * Step 5 − Repeat step 3 & 4 until Heap property holds.<br> */ private void heapifyDown(int position) { int smallest = position; int leftChild = left(position); int rightChild = right(position); // compare `A[i]` with its left and right child // and find the smallest value int size = getSize(); if (leftChild < size && this.data.get(leftChild) < this.data.get(smallest)) { smallest = leftChild; } if (rightChild < size && this.data.get(rightChild) < this.data.get(smallest)) { smallest = rightChild; } if (smallest != position) { // swap with a child having lesser value swap(position, smallest); // call heapify-down on the child heapifyDown(smallest); } } public void print() { System.out.println("\nList"); for (Integer d : data) { System.out.println("data: " + d); } System.out.println("\nTree"); System.out.println("Root: " + data.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i <= getSize() / 2; i++) { try { System.out.print("Parent: " + this.data.get(i - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { } try { System.out.print(", Left: " + this.data.get(this.left(i - 1))); } catch (Exception e) { } try { System.out.print(", Right: " + this.data.get((this.right(i - 1)))); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("\n"); } public int getSize() { return this.data.size(); } }